- WilliamHenry
- 19637
- WW1
- Army
- Infantry
- Worcestershire Regiment
- 10th Battalion
- None
- 24th October 1916
- Killed in action
- Unknown
- Stump Road Cemetery, Grandcourt, France, Grave B. 77.
- Born and resident Shrawley, Worcestershire, enlisted Kidderminster, Worcestershire
- Unknown
- Unknown
SPRAGG William Henry Is Named On These Memorials
Further Information About SPRAGG William Henry
Additional information on the memorial: Pte 2nd Worcs
Appears on the Roll of Honour in Shrawley Parish Magazine, January 1915.
Shrawley Parish Magazine, October 1916:
The following have written to acknowledge the safe arrival of their parcels – W. Spragg
Shrawley Parish Magazine, December 1916:
Another of our heroes has made the ‘Great Sacrifice’ – William Spragg, killed in action lately. He did his duty nobly, fighting in seven severe engagements. R.I.P. We sympathise much in this their second bereavement.