- WilfredGeorge
- 14644
Lance Corporal
- WW1
- Army
- Infantry
- Worcestershire Regiment
- 1st Battalion
- None
- 12th August 1916
- 20
- Killed in action
- Unknown
- Vermelles British Cemetery, France, Grave III. N. 1
- Born and resident Bewdley, Worcestershire, enlisted Cleobury Mortimer, Salop
- Unknown
Son of George and Mary Millicent Roberts, of Bayton Common, Clowstop, Rock, Worcestershire
ROBERTS Wilfred George Is Named On These Memorials
Notes About The Memorial(s) Listed Above
Bayton St Bartholomew’s Church with the additional information: 12 August 1916.
Far Forest Holy Trinity Church with the additional information: France 1917.
Further Information About ROBERTS Wilfred George
The following report appears in the Kidderminster Times, 9th September 1916:
Lance Corporal Wilfred George Roberts, 14644, 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment. Son of Mrs Roberts, Box Cottage, Bayton Common, Clows Top, Bewdley. He enlisted soon after war broke out and served at the Dardenelles where he contracted dysentery. On recovering he was sent to France where he was killed in action on 12th August.
The report includes a photograph of Wilfred Roberts.