- William
- 20992
- WW1
- Army
- Infantry
- Worcestershire Regiment
- None
- 29th July 1915
- 23
- Unknown
- Stourbridge Cemetery, Worcestershire, England, Grave O. 183.
- Unknown
- Unknown
Son of Philip and Agnes Lloyd, 4 The Cliff, Stourbridge
LLOYD William Is Named On These Memorials
Notes About The Memorial(s) Listed Above
Old Swinford St Mary’s Church with the additional information: Pte. Worcs.
Further Information About LLOYD William
William Lloyd was the son of Philip and Agnes Lloyd. By 1914 he was married and living nearby at 1 Birmingham Street. He enlisted in the Worcesters in January 1915 and was sent for training to the 12th Battalion, the training battalion in Dorset. Once trained, the new soldiers joined the battalions serving in any of the overseas campaigns. However, in the course of his posting to A Company William Lloyd developed an ulcer of the stomach. He was sent to the military hospital nearby at Wareham where he died on the 29th July. It was the first death at this hospital. His widow asked that his body should be returned to Stourbridge for burial. The funeral took place at Stourbridge Cemetery on the 4th August and was conducted by the Rev. J.C. Robertson, Vicar of St. John’s, in whose parish he had lived. Many members of his family were present and the floral tributes included one from the men of A Company. His brother, Philip, also enlisted in the Worcester Territorials and was killed in action on the 23 April 1917.