- Leonard
- Unknown
- WW1
- Unknown
- None
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
EVANS Leonard Is Named On These Memorials
Further Information About EVANS Leonard
The following information has been researched by and is courtesy of Eric Halsall:
The Leonard Evans on the Areley Kings memorials is not the Tenbury Leonard Evans. The A.K. one had served 12 years before the war in the RMLI and was demobbed in early 1914, reenlisting in the Royal Artillery in 1915. He was shortly afterwards diagnosed as having TB and was invalided out, dying as a civilian. Hence his lack of evidence with the CWGC. There was debate in Areley Kings about whether he should figure on the memorials but sympathetic counsels prevailed. His father had been a Severn trow captain and his mother was caretaker at Areley Kings School. I have more information if required – he fooled me too for years!
Sadly, Eric Halsall died before I was able to contact him about his further information.