DOUGLAS James Sholto

  • First Name(s):
  • Surname:
  • Service Number:
  • Rank:

    Lieutenant Commander

  • Conflict:
  • Service:
  • Naval Service:
    Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
  • Naval Division:
    Royal Naval Air Service
  • Former Units:
  • Date of Death:
    18th December 1916
  • Age At Death:
  • Place of Death:
    At home in Chester.
  • Place of Burial:
    Chester (Overleigh) Cemetery, Cheshire, England, Old Cemetery, C. of E. 2433.
  • Place of Birth:
  • Home Town:
  • Casualty's Relatives:

    Son of Charles Philip and Jane Douglas

Remember The Fallen - Lest We Forget

DOUGLAS James Sholto Is Named On These Memorials

Further Information About DOUGLAS James Sholto

Additional information on the memorial: Lt. Com. R.N.V.R.

Late of Badsey Manor House.

Badsey parish magazine mentions Lieutenant Douglas in November 1914 and again in January 1917:
It is with very deep regret that we chronicle the death of Lt-Commander James Sholto Douglas, late of Badsey Manor House, at the comparatively early age of 27.  As our readers will remember, he volunteered for service with the Navy immediately on the outbreak of war, and was gazetted Lieutenant in the RNVR after an interview with the First Lord of the Admiralty.  He went to Antwerp in command of a machine-gun section, and only escaped internment by his courage and resourcefulness.  When we last referred to him in these columns he was stationed with the Naval Brigade at the Crystal Palace.  He was subsequently attached to the RNAS as armament officer and was for some time at Dunquerque, taking up an appointment as Lieut-Commander near Aberdeen in October last.  In November he began to suffer very much from very severe headaches and was sent home to Chester.  He rapidly became much worse; and was unconscious almost continuously to the time of his death.  A few days before his death he had very slight conscious intervals; he recognised his mother and asked for one of his brothers, and on one occasion felt for his crucifix under his pillow and looked at it.  He passed away on Monday morning, Dec 18th, and on Tuesday his body was taken into the Lady Chapel of Chester Cathedral where it remained until the funeral on Wednesday.  There was a Requiem on Wednesday morning, a watch having been kept all Tuesday night by relations and friends.

Source for additional information:

Further information available at:


If you have any information about DOUGLAS James Sholto, please get in touch