- WilliamThomas
- 20094
- WW1
- Army
- Infantry
- Worcestershire Regiment
- 4th Battalion
- None
- 12th August 1915
- 24
- Died of wounds
- At sea
- Commemorated on Helles Memorial, Turkey, Panel 104 to 113.
- Shirley, Warwickshire, enlisted Redditch, Worcestershire, resident Alvechurch, Worcestershire
- Unknown
Son of Thomas and Rose Arm Blunn, 16 Red Lion St., Alvechurch, Birmingham
BLUNN William Thomas Is Named On These Memorials
Notes About The Memorial(s) Listed Above
Bromsgrove Independent Order of Oddfellows under the Widows Protection Lodge.
If you have any information about BLUNN William Thomas, please get in touch
Information AboutBLUNN William Thomas
Credits: Researched by Sandra Taylor and Anne Humphries.