• First Name(s):
  • Surname:
  • Service Number:
  • Rank:


  • Conflict:
  • Service:
  • Army Sector:
  • Regiment:
    Worcestershire Regiment
  • Battalion:
    8th Battalion
  • Unit:
    1st/8th Battalion
  • Former Units:
  • Date of Death:
    5th October 1918
  • Age At Death:
  • Cause of Death:
    Killed in action
  • Place of Death:
  • Place of Burial:
    Beaurevoir British Cemetery, France, Grave C. 33.
  • Place of Birth:
    Born and enlisted Bromsgrove, Worcestershire
  • Home Town:
  • Casualty's Relatives:
Remember The Fallen - Lest We Forget

Notes About The Memorial(s) Listed Above

Bromsgrove Independent Order of Oddfellows under British Queen Lodge.

Further Information About WANKLIN Albert

Awarded Distinguished Conduct Medal.

Citation for Distinguished Conduct Medal, London Gazette 21st October 1918:
240026 Sjt. A. Wanklin, Worc. R. (Bromsgrove)
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty and consistent ability on many occasions when in command of his platoon in action. He has always volunteered for patrols, and his courage, cheerfulness and fine example have had a most inspiring effect on all with him.

Obituary taken from the Bromsgrove Weekly Messenger dated 2nd November 1918:
Mrs Wanklin has received official certification that her husband Sergeant Albert Wanklin was killed in action on October 5th. Sergeant Wanklin was in the Worcestershire Regiment (T.F.) and the information of his death was first conveyed to Mrs Wanklin in a letter from the commanding officer of the battalion who said :-
€˜It was with the deepest regret and most heartfelt sympathy that I have to inform you of the death in action of your husband who was killed when leading his platoon in an attack on October 5th. He always set a wonderful example of personal bravery, unselfish of devotion to duty and physical endurance, and having had the honour and pleasure of serving with him so many years, I feel his loss more than words can express’.

Sergeant Wanklin was among the local Territorials who went up in August 1914 and had been in service ever since. He had previously served in the Volunteers and Territorials for 15 years and held the Territorial Medal. He was gassed while serving in France 2 years ago. In June this year he was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. He was the son of Mr and Mrs Wanklin of Melbourne Road and leaves a widow and a child. Before the war he was employed at Bromsgrove Railway Wagon Works.

He is the son of John and Mary Wanklin nee Dipple. John was a nailmaker.
They had 12 children including :-
Maria Wanklin ( born 1878 Twin )
Mary Ann Wanklin ( born 1878 Twin)
Sarah Hannah Wanklin ( born 1880 )
Albert Wanklin ( born 1882 )
Elizabeth Wanklin ( Lizzie born 1885 )
William Wanklin ( born 1886 )
Leonard Wanklin ( born 1889 )
Harry Wanklin ( born 1892 )
Beatrice Wanklin ( born 1896 )
Rhoda Wanklin ( Born 1898 )
Albert Wanklin married Nellie Clara Laugher in Bromsgrove year 1906.
They had one son Clarence born 1912.
He lived at 33 Melbourne Road Bromsgrove and was employed as a railway wagon repairer at Bromsgrove Carriage and Wagon Works.

The following information has been researched and transcribed by Sandra Taylor:
A. Wanklin, Sergeant, Worcestershire Regiment was employed by the Midland Railway as a Wagon Repairer in the Carriage and Wagon Department at Bromsgrove Station. These details are recorded in the company’s memorial book.

Source: In Remembrance of the Brave Men of the Midland Railway who Gave their Lives in the Great War 1914-1919. Published by the company to coincide with the unveiling of the Midland Railway War Memorial at Derby on Thursday 15th December 1921 at 11.45am.

If you have any information about WANKLIN Albert, please get in touch
Credits: Extract from local paper and family information kindly supplied by Andy Frisby.