- Thomas
- 38161
- WW1
- Army
- Infantry
- Worcestershire Regiment
- 11th Battalion
- None
- 3rd September 1918
- 40
- Killed in action
- Unknown
- Karasouli Military Cemetery, Greece, Grave D. 892.
- Talgarth, Brecon, enlisted and resident Worcester
- Unknown
Son of David and Elizabeth Vaughan, of Abergavenny; husband of Mrs. A. E. Vaughan, of 3, Station Rd., Fernhill Heath, Worcester
VAUGHAN Thomas Is Named On These Memorials
Further Information About VAUGHAN Thomas
Additional information on the memorial: Pte:
A photograph of Private Vaughan of Fernhill Heath can be found in Berrow’s Worcester Journal Supplement, Saturday 21st September 1918, available at Worcestershire Archives.