- RobertWilliamThomas
- 22745
- WW1
- Army
- Infantry
- Worcestershire Regiment
- 9th Battalion
- None
- 19th April 1916
- 22
- Killed in action
- Unknown
- Commemorated on Basra Memorial, Iraq, Panel 18 and 63.
- Born Wichenford, Worcestershire, enlisted Worcester, resident Powick, Worcestershire
- Unknown
Son of Mrs. M. E. Summers, 39 Waterworks Rd., Barbourne, Worcester
SUMMERS Robert William Thomas Is Named On These Memorials
Further Information About SUMMERS Robert William Thomas
A photograph of Private R.W.T. Summers of Powick can be found in Berrow’s Worcester Journal Supplement, Saturday 10th June 1916, available at Worcestershire Archives.
If you have any information about SUMMERS Robert William Thomas, please get in touch
Information AboutSUMMERS Robert William Thomas