- William
- 12115
- WW1
- Army
- Infantry
- Worcestershire Regiment
- 3rd Battalion
- None
- 19th May 1914
- Killed in action
- Unknown
- Commemorated on La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial, France.
- Wilden, Worcestershire, resident Astley Cross, Wocestershire, enlisted Kidderminster, Worcestershire
- Unknown
- Unknown
RICHARDS William Is Named On These Memorials
Notes About The Memorial(s) Listed Above
Astley War Memorial with the information: 3rd Worces. Regt.
Further Information About RICHARDS William
United Parish magazine, Astley, September 1914:
I give below a list of Astley men who are serving their King and Country – some of them at the front. It is a roll of Honour, and is also posted in the Church porch, and I ask that they may be remembered in your prayers:-
Pte William Richards, B Company, 3rd Batt, Worcestershire Regt.; (among a list of names of all those serving)
United Parish magazine, Astley, November 1914:
Killed in Action
Private William Richards, 3rd Worcestershire Regt. We all feel very deeply for Mrs. Richards in the loss of her gallant son.