- WilliamHadley
- 22239
- WW1
- Army
- Infantry
- Worcestershire Regiment
- 4th Battalion
- None
- 15th October 1916
- 23
- Unknown
- Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial, France, Pier and Face 5A and 6C.
- Unknown
- Unknown
Son of Mrs Mary Hadley
DUGGAN William Hadley Is Named On These Memorials
Notes About The Memorial(s) Listed Above
Bromsgrove St John the Baptist Church WW1 Memorial as W.Hadley.
Bromsgrove St John the Baptist Church WW1 Memorial under correct name of W.H. Duggan.
Further Information About DUGGAN William Hadley
In the census he is known as William Hadley Duggan or William Duggan Hadley.
William Duggan was the son of William and Mary Hadley, who resided at Gas Square, Bromsgrove. In 1911 he was employed as a car worker. William enlisted at Birmingham in April 1915 and went to the Balkans on 24th August 1915 and subsequently to France.
Bromsgrove Droitwich and Redditch Messenger, 11th November 1916:
Information has been received that Private William Hadley Duggan of the Worcesters was killed in action on October 15th. Private Duggan was the son of Mr and Mrs William Hadley of Gas Square, Bromsgrove. He was 23 years old and had lived with his grandmother, Mrs Mason of Brookside, Hanover Street. He joined the colours in April 1915 previous to which time he worked at Austin’s. Before going to Longbridge he was employed by Mr T Cooke, baker, of St John’s Street. Deceased went to the Dardanelles in August 1915 and was drafted to another area of operations about eight months ago.
William Duggan has no known grave, the photograph available shows his name on Thiepval Memorial.