- ReginaldJohn
- 5246459
- WW2
- Army
- Worcestershire Regiment
- 8th Battalion
- None
- 28th May 1940
- 36
- Unknown
- Commemorated on Dunkirk Memorial, France, Column 58.
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
CARTER R Is Named On These Memorials
Notes About The Memorial(s) Listed Above
Additional information on the memorial: Pte. Killed in Action.
Further Information About CARTER R
Listed in the Roll of Honour Book as R. Carter. Private Reginald John Carter is a possible casualty for this individual.
Appears on the Army casualties list for Worcestershire as Reginald J. Carter with the above casualty details.
If you have any information about CARTER R, please get in touch
Information AboutCARTER R