- KenricGrant
- 255766
- WW2
- Army
- Infantry
- King's Own Scottish Borderers
- 6th Battalion
- None
- 1st July 1944
- 20
- Unknown
- St Manvieu War Cemetery, Cheux, France, Grave VII. J. 8.
- Unknown
- Unknown
Son of Dorothy Viola Mary Buy, of Notting Hill, London
BUY Kenric Grant Is Named On These Memorials
Further Information About BUY Kenric Grant
The following information has been researched by and is courtesy of John Barry:
1939 Register
18 Pembridge Crescent, Kensington
Dorothy V. Buy, born 8th May 1895, widow, Unpaid Domestic Duties
James H. Buy, born 13th February 1922, At School
Kenric G. Buy, born 19th October 1923, At School
Unknown Newspapers
20th July 1944
BUY. – Killed in action in July 1944, Lt. Kenric Grant Buy, K.O.S.B., beloved younger son of Dorothy Viola Mary Buy, aged 20. “Stand Sure.”
19th August 1944
BUY. – Precious and treasured memories on this his 21st birthday of our ever most dearly beloved KEN, LIEUT., KENRIC GRANT BUY, K.O.S.B., killed in Normandy July 1, 1944. Always in our thoughts – MOTHER, JIM, JUNE.
“At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.”
30th June 1945
BUY. – Remembering always with pride and very greatest love our gay and lovely KEN, LIEUT., KENRIC GRANT BUY, K.O.S.B., most dearly beloved younger son of Dorothy Buy, who gave his life in action in Normandy one year ago today, aged 20 years. In the words of his C.O., “he died gallantly leading his platoon.” Remembering also all his pals who made the supreme sacrifice in the same action. All our love. – MOTHER, JIM, JUNE
Probate 1945
BUY Kenric Grant of 18 Pembridge Crescent London W.11 dies 1 July 1944 on war service Administration Llandudno 24 July to Dorothy Viola Mary Buy widow. Effects £146 16s. 10d.