- VictorVernal
- 21548
- WW1
- Army
- Infantry
- Worcestershire Regiment
- 4th Battalion
- None
- 6th August 1915
- 18
- Unknown
- Commemorated on Helles Memorial, Turkey, Panel 104 to 113.
- Unknown
- Unknown
Son of Frederick John and Emily Bastin, of Brittannia House, Charford Rd., Bromsgrove, Worcestershire
BASTIN Victor Vernal Is Named On These Memorials
Further Information About BASTIN Victor Vernal
Victor Vernal Bastin was born at Bromsgrove in 1896. He enlisted at Worcester and went to the Balkans on 13th July 1915. Prior to enlisting he was employed as a filer in the brass trade.
The following information has been researched by Jeremy Higgins:
Midland Railway
Victor Bastin, Carriage and Wagon Department, Bromsgrove Station, Painters Boy.